This time, some of the popular celebrities of United Kingdom named Mel C, the singer, Dara
O’Briain, the comedy artist and Greg James, DJ of Radio 1 have succeeded in
traveling across the Zambezi River with the aim of giving a big contribution
for Comic Relief. All these celebrities have traveled about 100 km for 5 days
to fulfill their biggest challenge named Hell and High Water. Hence, on 1st
of February in the afternoon, celebrities have reached the final point of the
challenge after facing some adventurous rapids. All the three celebrities have
given their opinions after reaching the finishing point.
to Greg James, “We have taken this big challenge and prepared us to go for an
adventure only for raising some big amount of money for the Comic Relief
charity fund, so that charity fund can help children in going to the school.”
After this, the renowned comedian artist named Dara commented, “In the
afternoon of 1st of February, we have succeeded in completing our
challenge by spending many adventurous moments over the rapids. I will give
thanks to all my fellow competitors and other people, who have given their full
support and donation for the challenges of the Zambezi River.” Hence, the
success of the celebrities in meeting the challenges have helped Comic Relief
charity organization in raising a big amount of about £1million and help many
poor Zambian children in receiving good education for a bright future.