Amir Peretz is the Environmental Protection Minister of Israel. He is a
well-known political leader of Israel. By remaining in the political
sector, Mr. Amir is responsible for serving different roles, which include
leader of Labor Party and Defense Minister. In the year 2012, he left the Labor
Party for becoming the part of centrist named Hatnuah. Later on, after getting
another honorable designation as the Environmental Protection Minister, he has
contributed a lot for maintaining eco-friendly environment in different Israeli

Development for Environmental Protection
Because of the contribution of Amir Peretz and many other renowned
people, Israeli citizens have witnessed significant developments in
environmental regulations and work policies since last many years In fact,
after the duration of few decades, environmental regulation has undergone
massive leap in the forward direction. Particularly, the organization and its
members have bought significant variations in the waste regulation framework
and WEEE i.e. Waste of Electrical Electronic Equipment of Israel, which
had always remained the subject for significant overhaul.
“The Israeli
legislator has recently adopted equivalents of a number of EU waste treatment
directives: the Drinking Bottles Refund Law 5759-1999 and the Packaging
Management Law 5771-2011 (inspired by the EU Waste Directive), as well as the
Environmental Treatment of Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Batteries
Law, 5772-2012 (designed to mirror the EU Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment Directive).” See details from here.
All of
these statutory have aimed towards introduction of novel concepts towards
environmental regulation in Israel, which include extended liability for
importer and manufacturer as well as setting of overall national collection and
recycling of various targets for the whole year. Other than this, Ministry of
Environmental Protection in Israel has now started with the promotion of
reforms related to various types of hazardous waste regulation, which is
considered as the comprehensive approach almost identical with that already
existing under EU regulation.